Monthly Archives: September

5 Unknown Jaw Misalignment Symptoms and Effects

Did you know that our jaws are responsible for more than just eating, speaking, swallowing, or expressing emotions? Yes, we tend to take them for granted, which is why we fail to realize that jaw misalignment can indeed trigger various problems. It can especially affect a child’s sleeping patterns, which are reflected in their concentration

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Everything you Needed to Know About Trench Mouth but Didn’t Know Who to Ask

Trench mouth is an advanced and serious case of gingivitis with symptoms like bleeding gums and ulcers in between teeth and gums. If untreated, it can destroy gum tissue and spread to nearby tissues. Trench mouth is also known as Vincent stomatitis, necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis, and acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. It is an uncommon condition

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