What Happens if TMJ Disorder is Left Untreated?

what happens if tmj is left untreated

Untreated TMJ can lead to greater pain and other health issues, as well as a decreased quality of life. 

Many individuals delay medical care as long as possible because they do not wish to spend the time or money necessary to alleviate their condition. Although delaying treatment will save you time and money, it will not protect you from the pain and consequences of not receiving it.

TMJ disorder may have its start in the jaw, but its symptoms extend well beyond the temporomandibular joints. Unfortunately, the longer you wait to address your TMJ pain, the more serious your symptoms are likely to get.

Continue reading to learn why TMJ should not be left untreated.


What Happens if TMJ Disorder is Untreated    

Your temporomandibular joints provide an essential function. They connect the lower jaw to the skull and function as a hinge, allowing the mouth to retract, protrude, as well as open and close.

Cushioning the joint is a complex network of tendons, ligaments, and an articular disc. When functioning properly, this cushion acts as a barrier between your facial bones, preventing them from rubbing together. The onset of a clicking sound is the first sign that something is wrong with your jaw or temporomandibular joint, and your current symptoms will worsen over time.


Chronic Jaw Pain

When you initially develop TMJ symptoms, you may experience intermittent jaw pain, which could be increased by stress or eating a chewy bagel for breakfast.

Over time, injury to the temporomandibular joint will result in persistent pain and other symptoms such as popping, cracking, and jaw locking. The pain may extend beyond your joints, manifesting as soreness and inflammation in your face, neck, and shoulders.

Once the bones in your joints have been damaged, you may require surgery to alleviate your discomfort. It is essential to take a proactive approach to TMJ pain in order to prevent permanent joint damage or dislocation of the jaw.


Chronic Headache

Chronic jaw discomfort is your body’s clear signal that something is wrong. Nonetheless, you may also develop chronic headaches and migraines. TMJ headaches are directly caused by inflammation and swelling in the muscles surrounding your temporomandibular joint. These muscles frequently refer discomfort to other head muscles and ligaments. You’ll have a headache as a result.

Because migraines are poorly understood, it is more difficult to establish a connection between TMJ and persistent migraines. According to research,  the trigeminal nerve contributes to the headache component of migraines. Given that the nerve goes via your temporomandibular joint, it is not difficult to deduce that TMJ may enhance the frequency and severity of your migraines.

If you do not treat your TMJ, your headaches and migraines will only become worse.


Airway Sleep Disorders

TMJ issues are commonly caused by a misaligned bite. Additionally, a misaligned bite might disrupt sleep. When your jaw is not properly aligned, it does not rest in the correct position in your mouth and may restrict your airway.

This can lead to obstructive sleep apnea, a dangerous sleep disorder that restricts proper oxygen intake during the night. Instead, you will be constantly awakened during the night, resulting in poor sleep quality. You will experience weariness, mental fog, and more symptoms during the day. Snoring loudly during the night is an indication of a sleep disorder.

If your bed partner observes you snoring or waking up during the night coughing and choking, you may potentially have sleep disorder in addition to TMJ.


Compromised Oral Health

Untreated TMJ issue is connected with teeth grinding and clenching, which can erode tooth enamel and leave teeth prone to fractures. TMJ disorder can also cause teeth to wear abnormally because one side of the jaw is more favored than the other. Additionally, favoring one side of the jaw might result in lopsided facial swelling and asymmetrical muscle growth.


Decreased Quality of Life

Your regular headaches and chronic discomfort may force you to call in sick to work more frequently, decline social responsibilities, and spend most of your time in bed feeling miserable. In addition, jaw pain can make it difficult to enjoy your favorite foods. If you have seen that TMJ has affected your quality of life, you must get treatment in order to live the life you deserve.


Why TMJ Disorder Should Not Be Left Untreated

TMJ disorder can significantly disrupt the lives of people affected. Constant headaches, neck strain, teeth grinding, and other symptoms of the illness can have a significant impact on a person’s health. 

Frequent teeth grinding and clenching during sleep can lead to long-term difficulties such as sleep apnea, insomnia, nightmares, and unbalanced cortisol cycles. According to research, sleep disturbances might play a significant role in depression and anxiety by interfering with the body’s normal hormonal reactions.

Clearly, TMJ disorder may be associated with long-term complications that have a significant impact on overall health and well-being. Your dentist may also be concerned about the teeth and gums wearing down prematurely due to teeth grinding and clenching. Lastly, some individuals with this illness develop inner ear problems such as ringing (tinnitus), balance disorders, or vertigo. It is reasonable to state that the untreated TMJ issue has numerous negative effects.


How to Get Rid of TMJ Disorder       

Early detection is crucial for any dental condition. The sooner you receive treatment for TMJ, the sooner you will be able to eat and speak without discomfort. A thorough evaluation of your teeth, bite, and symptoms aid in the diagnosis of your condition, allowing us to build a personalized treatment plan. We may coordinate your care with additional medical providers, depending on the circumstances.

Options for treatment may be designed to reduce strain on the teeth and jaw. Possibilities include correcting the bite by modifying the teeth or dental restorations, using a mouth guard at night, or adopting simple lifestyle adjustments. A bite guard preserves the teeth by decreasing jaw strain caused by teeth grinding and clenching. The guard, which is worn while sleeping, prevents patients from grinding their teeth unknowingly. If you have TMJ symptoms, you should seek treatment.


Consult with Garza DDS to learn more about what happens if TMJ is left untreated

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with TMJ disorder, it is important to consult with a dentist like Garza DDS. We can help diagnose the problem and provide treatment that can lessen your pain and improve your quality of life. untreated TMJ can lead to more serious problems down the road, so don’t wait – contact us today to get started on finding relief from your TMJ pain.
