5 Interesting Sleep Apnea Facts To Help You Sleep Tight

So many people suffer from sleep apnea, some know about it, and others do not. However, as it’s a severe medical condition that can increase fatal health issues, apnea sufferers shouldn’t take it lightly. Here are the most common essential things people with sleep apnea need to know to get a good night’s sleep.

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5 Interesting Things about Sleep Apnea

1.    There are two types of sleep apnea.

The first is obstructive sleep apnea with improper air flowing in or out of the nose or mouth. Mucus and other fluids make breathing difficult in sleep, and snoring starts when air passes through the obstructions.

The second is central sleep apnea. It is a less common phenomenon where the sleeping brain doesn’t send appropriate signals to your breathing muscles.

2.    Not everyone realizes they have sleep apnea

Many suffering from sleep apnea aren’t aware that they struggle with it. It’s because there are no noticeable signs when awake. Often even if they wake up groggy they have explanations for it.

3.    Sleep apnea has other signs

As you don’t sleep properly with sleep apnea, sufferers get exhausted regularly. Signs of exhaustion include loss of focus and productivity, mood swings, and even possible car accidents.

Waking up with a dry mouth is also another sign as snoring with the mouth open wide dries the saliva. Waking up with a headache is another sign due to low oxygen and high carbon dioxide levels.

4.    Connected to bruxism

Many sleep apnea sufferers tend to grind their teeth, leading to jaw and tooth pain and possible bruxism. And you may consequently suffer from long-term health issues due to bruxism, like broken and chipped teeth, extreme teeth sensitivity, and gum problems.

5.    Dangerous

Sleep apnea is not just dangerous for your health but is also associated with other serious health problems like heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes.

It’s because once breathing gets challenging, the brain is deprived of oxygen for extended periods, leading to possible earlier death. Besides, reduced brain oxygen levels can also lead to memory loss leading to possible dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Various treatment options for sleep apnea

While sleep apnea is associated with various issues, there are simple treatments to try to start sleeping soundly. Something as easy as changing your sleeping position can help.

Sleeping on your side puts you in a proper position to get more oxygen and reduce snoring.

Even sleeping on multiple pillows helps promote good breathing and sleep.

Obesity is a leading cause of sleep apnea so weight loss helps reduce its severity. You can lose weight through diet, workouts, and surgery if need be.

Avoiding alcohol and other sedatives that disrupt your sleep cycle also helps. Anti-anxiety medications and sedatives may also impact sleep apnea.

Using sleep apnea masks helps maintain pressurized airflow to your nose and mouth. This helps your body breathe normally while sleeping.

Despite these easy treatment options, if you or your loved one suffers from sleep apnea, first contact your dentist for TMJ and dental treatment. They will be able to assess your condition and suggest the best treatment option for you.

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