Can TMJ Affect Your Eyes?

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is a common condition affecting millions of patients worldwide. But could this condition affect more than just the jaw? Also, can TMJ affect your eyes?

TMJ is a condition that causes headaches, neck pain, and discomfort in the jaw muscles that control jaw movement. It’s often caused by stress or injury to the jaw, and the symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe pain. While TMJ is a well-known condition, not many people know it may also affect other body parts. Let’s explore how TMJ can potentially affect your eyes and what you can do to address these issues.

Read More: What Is Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)?


How TMJ Can Cause Eye Problems

The temporomandibular joint helps the body to regulate blood flow around the head and neck. In patients with TMJ, the facial and jaw muscles can become tense and tight, creating tension throughout the entire head. This can occur because the eye movement muscles are located near the temporomandibular joint. When the joint is inflamed or misaligned, it can put pressure on these muscles behind the eyes and cause discomfort or vision issues.

One of the most common ways TMJ affects the eyes is by causing tension headaches. These headaches can cause pain around the eyes, blurry vision, sinus infection, and sensitivity to light. Some people may even experience migraines accompanied by vertigo and vomiting.

In addition to headaches, TMJ can also cause eye strain. This is because when the muscles around the jaw and face become tight, it can affect the muscles that control eye movements. This, in turn, can lead to eye issues such as double vision, seeing spots, and difficulty focusing on objects.

Related Article: How Do You Know If You Have TMJ Disorder Or Lockjaw? 


Common Eye Problems Associated with TMJ

When most people think of TMJ, they probably associate it with facial pain, ear pain, and headaches. However, TMJ disorder can also affect other body parts, including the eyes. Several eye issues can be linked to TMJ, which patients commonly experience.


Eye Strain

The temporomandibular joint is located near the eye muscles and nerves that control eye movement. When the joint is inflamed or in pain, it can cause the eye muscles to become tense and strained, leading to eye discomfort and strain. In addition, TMJ disorder can cause headaches, facial pain, and neck pain, which can further contribute to eye strain.


Blurred Vision

Blurred vision is another common eye problem associated with TMJ. There is a connection between the muscles responsible for controlling eye movement and those that control the jaw. When the jaw is misaligned or not functioning correctly, it can affect the position and movement of the eyes. This can lead to problems with visual clarity and cause blurred vision.


Eye Twitching

TMJ can cause muscle tension and spasms in the facial muscles, leading to involuntary twitching in the eye or eyelid. This twitching can be uncomfortable and may affect your vision temporarily.


Difficulty Focusing

The muscles that control our jaw movement are somehow connected to the muscles that move our eyes. When the jaw muscles become strained or inflamed due to TMJ disorder, it can affect the muscles around the eyes and cause them to be overworked. This overworking can lead to blurred vision, sensitivity, and difficulty focusing on objects.


Dry Eyes

A dry eye occurs when tears evaporate too quickly or the eyes are unable to produce sufficient tears. Symptoms of dry eyes include itching, burning, and a gritty feeling in the eyes. Studies have shown that TMJ disorder is associated with an increased risk of dry eyes. A study of over 400 TMJ patients found that 24% had dry eyes. The study also showed that the more severe the TMJ disorder symptoms, the higher the risk of developing dry eyes.


Light Sensitivity

There are several ways that TMJ can cause sensitivity to light. One way is by creating tension in the eye muscles, making it difficult for them to adjust to changes in light. This can result in eye strain and sensitivity. Another way is that the TMJ can cause pain in the trigeminal nerve, which provides sensory information to the face, including the eyes. This can lead to increased sensitivity to light and other sensations.

Read Also: Can You Treat TMJ Disorder With Injections?


Tips for Managing TMJ-related Eye Problems

TMJ-related eye problems can be especially uncomfortable, so finding ways to manage them is important. Here are some tips for managing TMJ-related eye problems:


Seek Treatment From a Medical Professional

If you are experiencing eye problems related to your TMJ, it’s important to discuss them with your healthcare provider. They can help determine the cause of the problem and suggest treatment options.


Use Warm Compresses

Gently applying a warm compress to the affected area can help relieve eye pain and pressure. Simply soak a washcloth in warm water and hold it against the painful area for about 15-20 minutes. Be careful not to burn yourself with hot water.


Practice Good Posture

Poor posture can contribute to TMJ-related eye problems. Sit up straight and make sure your computer monitor is at eye level. Avoid slouching or looking down for extended periods of time.


Do Gentle Jaw Exercises

Strengthening the muscles around the TMJ can help improve its function and reduce eye problems. Open your mouth wide, and then slowly close it. Repeat this movement several times until it starts to feel comfortable. Try moving your jaw up and down and from left to right. Hold the pose for a few seconds before slowly releasing it. With consistent practice, you’ll notice an improvement in your jaw joint’s flexibility and movement.


Get Enough Rest

Fatigue can worsen TMJ-related eye problems, so getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night is important.


Try Eye Exercises

Stretching and exercising your eye muscles can help relieve eye strain caused by TMJ-related problems. A useful eye exercise involves alternately focusing on a distant object and an object nearby. Practicing this technique multiple times daily can be beneficial for eye health.


Practice good eye hygiene

Our hands come into contact with numerous germs and bacteria throughout the day. Touching our eyes with dirty hands can lead to infections such as conjunctivitis or other bacterial or viral infections that can worsen the pain. Avoid touching your eyes or sharing eye makeup.

Related Article: Best Proven Home Remedies For TMJ Pain


TMJ-Related Eye Problems FAQs

When should I see a doctor for TMJ-related eye problems?

If you’re experiencing eye problems in conjunction with TMJ, it’s important to speak to a healthcare provider immediately. Some eye problems related to TMJ, such as sensitivity to light or blurred vision, may be temporary and can be managed with self-care measures like relaxation techniques. However, if your eye problems persist or worsen, it may indicate a more severe issue that requires medical attention.


What other problems can TMJ cause?

TMJ can cause other problems aside from eye pain that you may not be aware of, including:

  • Ear pain
  • Neck pain
  • Jaw pain
  • Orofacial pain
  • Joint pain


What medications help TMJ?

While many treatments are available to alleviate TMJ symptoms, medication is often used as a first-line therapy. Here are some of the most common medications prescribed to help manage the symptoms of TMJ:


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs like aspirin, Ibuprofen and naproxen help reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain.


Muscle relaxants

Muscle relaxants can help relieve muscle spasms and cramps caused by TMJ by reducing muscle tension around the jaw joint.



Benzodiazepines help reduce anxiety and muscle tension that can help people who clench or grind their teeth, which can worsen TMJ-related pain.


Botulinum toxin type A (Botox)

Botox, when injected into the muscles surrounding the jaw joint, it can help reduce muscle contractions that cause TMJ pain. Botox injections are usually done by a specialist.


Trust Garza DDS for Your TMJ-Related Eye Issues

If you’re experiencing eye problems alongside your TMJ, seeking professional help is important. Dr. Garza is a highly experienced TMJ specialist who can evaluate your symptoms, provide a diagnosis, and recommend appropriate treatment to alleviate your discomfort. With years of experience treating TMJ and related conditions, Dr. Garza can offer personalized care and guidance to help you achieve optimal health and wellness. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Garza today to take the first step towards feeling better.
