Can TMJ Go Away On Its Own Without Treatment?


There is a lot of mystery and misunderstanding around TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder. Some people may not even know they have it, while others might be suffering from the various symptoms and are unsure if there is anything that can be done to relieve them.


TMJ is a condition that affects the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. It can cause pain and discomfort in the jaw area and can make it difficult to open and close your mouth. While there are treatments available for TMJ, in some cases, it can go away on its own without treatment. So, if you are experiencing symptoms of TMJ, but are reluctant to seek treatment because you’re not sure if it’s necessary, read on to learn more about the possible causes of TMJ and when it may go away without treatment.


What are TMJ Symptoms?

Just beneath a main facial nerve, which is the core of a network of nerves that cross and link across the face, head, and neck, is the TMJ. Consequently, when the TMJ is weakened, pain can migrate to the eyes, ears, mouth, forehead, cheeks, tongue, teeth, and throat. Even the neck and upper back muscles can become impacted.


Minor TMJ discomfort usually resolves without treatment. Those with the following TMJ symptoms may wish to have an assessment to prevent or avoid future complications:


  • Persistent or recurrent instances of pain or discomfort in or around the TMJ or ear.
  • Pain or discomfort during chewing
  • Locking of a joint in either the open or closed position.
  • Chronic facial discomfort in multiple locations without a clear cause
  • The presence of clicking or grinding sound when the jaw is open or during chewing, accompanied by pain or restricted mobility.


Will TMJ Go Away On Its Own?

If a person experiences TMJ symptoms, they often resolve within three weeks or less. Unfortunately, if the symptoms are the result of an underlying condition, such as arthritis or bruxism, the pain, and discomfort associated with TMJ disorder can last for months or even years.


Identifying what a TMJ disorder is not is more crucial than determining what is actually wrong. TMJ is more difficult to diagnose than other oral problems, such as toothache. In addition to examining the face and jaw, it frequently comes down to the patient’s descriptions during the dental exam and consultation. TMJ disorders can be diagnosed using X-rays and bite impressions.


Whether TMJ disorder will go away on its own is contingent upon the severity of the underlying condition. If the condition is really severe, the symptoms may last for years. Otherwise, it may last for months. As the underlying disease progresses, so too will the length of TMJ disorder symptoms.


Is it Possible to Get Rid of TMJ Permanently?

Yes, permanent elimination of TMJ issues is achievable. Physical therapy has proven to be the most effective of the treatments that have proven to be highly successful for patients. Patients may engage in activities designed to relax the facial muscles, such as stretching.


If teeth grinding causes discomfort in the TMJ, a nighttime mouth guard may be worn to prevent this action. Misaligned teeth may also cause TMJ problems. In this instance, a slight modification to the bite may prove advantageous. Occasionally, TMJ symptoms may be caused by jaw structural issues. Surgical treatment may help permanently eradicate TMJ. 


How to treat TMJ disorder?

Simple self-care measures, conservative therapies, injections, and major surgery are among the available treatments for TMJ disorder. The majority of physicians concur that therapy should begin with conservative, nonsurgical methods, with surgery reserved as a last resort.


Due to their in-depth understanding of the TMJ and its surrounding tissues, dentists and oral surgeons with specific training are frequently the most competent to treat TMJ disease. When you visit a TMJ specialist, they will take X-rays of your jaw, discuss your symptoms, and create a personalized treatment plan. They may indicate:


  • Performing stretches to relax face muscles
  • A mouthpiece designed to reduce nighttime teeth grinding and help relax the jaw.
  • A minor bite correction to improve the fit of your teeth
  • Surgical correction of jaw structural abnormalities. This is only required in exceptional instances.


The majority of individuals who seek TMJ treatment from a trained practitioner experience relief after a few weeks or months. They can then go with their everyday lives with the assurance that their symptoms will not return.


Do Home Remedies Work for TMJ?

Numerous individuals can obtain alleviation using home remedies. Here are some suggestions you may find useful:


  • Frequently, a demanding lifestyle creates muscle tension, which results in jaw pain. TMJ condition may be alleviated by a vacation, a change in surroundings, or other stress-alleviating causes.
  • Ice packs and anti-inflammatory drugs may help alleviate the symptoms of TMJ disease.
  • Some people benefit from jaw relaxation. You might quit chewing gum and avoid meals that require a great deal of chewing effort, such as raw vegetables and sticky candies.


Keep in mind that even while home remedies may provide some comfort, you should still seek professional help. The above instructions are frequently most effective when accompanied by treatment from a dental practitioner who is familiar with the TMJ and the factors that can affect it.


Consult with Garza DDS to learn more about whether can TMJ go away on its own

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with TMJ, we encourage you to consult with our team at Garza DDS. We can help determine whether your symptoms will disappear within a few weeks or if there is an underlying ailment causing your discomfort. Don’t suffer from jaw pain any longer than necessary – contact us today and let us help you get on the path to relief!

