Untreated TMJ can lead to greater pain and other health issues, as well as a decreased quality of life. Many individuals delay medical care as long as possible because they do not wish to spend the time or money necessary to alleviate their condition. Although delaying treatment will save you time and money, it will
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Whether you feel discomfort and aching or severe pain and jaw locking due to temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), avoiding triggers is a critical element of managing your condition and minimizing flare-ups. Every day, you execute automatic face movements such as smiling, laughing, speaking, and chewing without even realizing it. However, if you suffer from TMJ
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Splint and night guard are often used interchangeably, but their functions are slightly different. If you are suffering from bruxism or TMJ, it is essential to comprehend the difference between a TMJ splint and a night guard to help you alleviate your condition. In general, the purpose of both types is to stabilize and
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There is a lot of mystery and misunderstanding around TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder. Some people may not even know they have it, while others might be suffering from the various symptoms and are unsure if there is anything that can be done to relieve them. TMJ is a condition that affects the joint
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